SGH Project Goal
Plan of Our Research and Development
Development of future global leaders with multi-perspectives and management skills
To research and develop a curriculum to cultivate leaders with global management abilities to propose ideas that facilitate a win-win relationship among stakeholders on global issues
- ①高い社会貢献意識
- ②国際的課題についての多面的な視点と深い理解
- ③国際的課題について他者と連携・協調しつつ探究する力
- ④ステークホルダーがWin-Winの関係となるよう柔軟かつ創造的な提案を行う力
- ⑤高いレベルのコミュニケーション・ツールとしての英語力
To educate students with global management abilities which consist of the following features
- ①High awareness of social contribution
- ②Multidimensional perspectives and deep understandings on global issues
- ③The ability to explore global issues through collaboration and cooperation with others
- ④The ability to make flexible and creative proposals to generate a win-win relationship among stakeholders
- ⑤English fluency as a tool of high-level communication
Outline of Our Research Programs
To research and develop a teaching method to foster diversified perspectives by taking up four areas that the United Nations Global Compact focuses on - labor, environment, human rights and anti-corruption - as the research topic, and through the comparison of the efforts companies involved un UNGC and NGOs are making, and the actions that Japanese and U.S. companies are taking under the UNGC.
To research and develop training plans to promote appreciation toward social contribution and deep understanding of UNGC, and improve English language skills for high-level communication by providing students with opportunities to meet researchers and activists working for United Nations, universities, companies and NGOs and learn how they are living their lives in fieldwork and lectures.
To research and develop a teaching method to equip students with ability to collect, organize and analyze information by working with other students and under the guidance and support of partner organizations
To research and develop a curriculum for students to acquire the skills to propose flexible and creative solutions which can lead all the stakeholders into a "Win-Win" relationship through above-mentioned activities 1?3
United Nations Global Compact

・UNGCに署名する企業・団体は、 <人権の保護>、<不当な労働の排除>、<環境への対応>、<腐敗の防止> に関わる10の原則に賛同し、 その実現に向けて努力を継続することを宣誓、実施、報告します。
1. 将来における最善の実践を進めるための新時代を築いていく考え抜かれたリーダーシップ養成のために、SDGsに深く関連した地球的課題に関する教育プログラムと授業を生徒に提供すること。
2. 生徒による研究成果を発表・公表することを通して、様々な人々が持続可能性について学ぶ機会を提供すること。
Super Global High school project of Senri High School is being carried out with cooperation by the following organizations.
- アジア・太平洋人権情報センター
- Asia-Pacific Human Rights Information Center
- グローバル・コンパクト・ネットワーク・ジャパン
- Global Compact Network Japan
- 大阪大学国際公共政策研究科
- Osaka School of International Public Policy
- 関西学院大学高大接続センター
- Kwansei Gakuin University Center for Secondary and Higher Education Linkage
- 大阪府中小企業家同友会大阪北ブロック
- The Osaka Doyu-kai
- 名誉毀損防止組合(在アメリカ)
- Anti-Defamation League
- 国際連合日本政府代表部
- The Permanent Mission of Japan to the United Nations